Monday, 3 December 2012

Soft Spine Pattern

Moving on from the mouthing pattern (sea squirt) to soft spine pattern. The Lancelet. Three tubes down the centre of the body.

Digestive - A long tube connected from mouth to anus.
Notochord - Soft tissue that eventually becomes the little discs in the spine
Neural tube - Eventually becomes the brain and spinal chord

All of these are what allow for sequential movement, fluidity and awareness of back, middle and front within the centre line.

Connected but loosely, soft and supple with inner tubes connecting head to tail. Using the soft spine imagery I am able to work closely with the head to tail connection with renewed ease.

Mouthing Pattern

Exploring the mouthing pattern. Taking imagery in the form of the sea squirt.

Sea Squirt - Marine mammal that lives in bottom of the sea. Tube like, or bell like in appearance but still no spine.

Brushing the cheek of my partner and her following the brushing with her mouth, similar to new born babies. When it comes to my turn feels oddly familiar. Memories from way back when. Feels more comfortable going one way rather than the other. It is this movement that starts the rolling motion through the body.

Navel Radiation Pattern

Imagery of starfish - no one part of starfish is more important than any other. Each limb is equal. The navel is the centre of being. In uterus, the life source is from the umbilical cord from navel. How can this pattern offer integration between core and distal movement?