Thursday, 28 February 2013

Reflections in Katye's class

1. Not moving for movements sake. Slow. Everything done for me...What I need. Lengthening. Awakening body parts that feel like they're resisting. Joints ache/protest, body cold and unwilling, mind is inwards/quiet.
2. HIP JOINT! What am I working with? Connections within the body - doing one movement leads to another. Soft, spongey body. Am I working with this because of how I feel today? Doesn't matter. This is where I am...need to keep working through.
3. Pushed through it...Did movements I wanted to do, not just for the sake of my joints/body's needs today but for me personally. Instantly started bringing me out of myself. This meant that I spent less time analysing and more time doing, consequently less pauses, more substantial material to work with. Also began to travel more through space.

'seeing everywhere' > directing the dance
                                                                new experience but relates subconsciously 
               Avoiding staying on the ground
                                                                                                        Does it matter?
Last/ left behind rather than initiating
                                                                                                                          Do I need to move on?                                                      eyes open brought myself out/ opened awareness to the room and to 'being seen'

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